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Walnuts Health Benefit...Big On Antioxidants And Omega 3

walnuts health benefit

What are walnuts health benefit?

It is believed that walnuts are rich in compounds that help to keep the arteries flexible and prevent or reduce them hardening.

So, if you are eating fatty foods, try eating some walnuts at the end of your meal.

Walnuts will also help to preserve the elasticity and flexibility of the arteries. Result? Increased blood flow as the arteries respond and expand when needed. Much less risk of a stroke or heart disease.

It is recommended that we should eat up to 8 walnuts a day.

Recent research has concluded that walnuts health benefit actually outstrip the health benefits of olive oil

Walnuts contain antioxidants and a plant based omega 3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic ALA). This has great health properties. Although still under trial recent studies are looking at ALA in walnuts to help people with heart rhythms that are abnormal.

In 2002 the Norwegians did a study on walnuts. Result? They actually ranked second only to rosehips in their antioxidant content.

Other substances in walnuts help to contribute to their antioxidant activity such as.... carotenoids, ellagic acid, polyphenolic compounds, and melatonin.

Walnuts...a true superfood. They are very high omega 3s, as mentioned above, however...they are in a class of their own here, making them unique among tree nuts and peanuts as no other nut can come anywhere near when comparing omega-3 content.

Walnuts help promote healthy chlosterol levels. How? When they are eaten as part of a low saturated fat and low cholesterol diet, walnuts reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol while preserving levels of good cholesterol (HDL).

Well done walnuts!

Be smart and introduce walnuts into your diet as a regular thing...but, don't think that you can eat whatever you like, then stuff a few walnuts down straight after to make it better. If you do, you are missing the point here. Make walnuts part of a healthy diet that limits saturated fats.

Our ezine Antioxidants and Beyond covers so many topics relating to antioxidants and how they affect you. We also go beyond antioxidants too (hence the very clever name) and will cover..or uncover..some powerful medical discoveries, access to hidden cures and advances in modern medicine. Don't miss an issue.

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