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Vitamin D Health Benefits...Lack of This Amazing Sunshine Vitamin Could Cause Diseases! Curious? Read On...

Vitamin D Health Benefits

It's been kept a secret up to now, but we are just realising the massive health benefits of Vitamin D..otherwise known as the sunshine vitamin.

vitamin D benefits, sunshine vitamin, vitamin d facts Lack of sunshine, which contains high levels of vitamin D, can cause many diseases, however just a small exposure to the sunlight (approx 10-15 mins) on a regular basis can give our bodies the much needed vitamin d health benefits and help prevent many chronic diseases such as..

  • Type-2 Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Heart Disease
  • Breast, Colon and Ovarian Cancers

Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory effects which can bring relief and help with a wide spectrum of health conditions including hypertension, type-1 diabetes, and psoriasis.

In fact around 90 per cent of the body's supply of vitamin D comes from the action of sunlight on the skin. When winter arrives, we obviously don't get much less sunlight, so there is a need to obtain our top-up with foods which will provide enough of the vitamin alongside the body's own stores. As we increase in age our bodies ability to generate it decreases.

Mother's Babies and Vitamin D Health Benefits

A recent major study has found babies born after pregnant mothers have enjoyed a large dose of summer sun are taller and stronger than those born in winter and spring.

The reason for this could be that the sunshine boost of vitamin D works well with calcium to build a stronger immune system and bones.

The study also found that late summer and early autumn babies also have wider, denser bones, giving them a much better start for a healthier life later on.

Interestingly, pregnant women who are deficient in vitamin D are four times more likely to have a Caesarean birth, the actual reasons why this is the case are unknown. But some theorys are that lack of the vitamin can cause muscle weakness, leading to an inability to give birth naturally.

On that note, a little sunshine could be the answer to couples struggling to conceive. Another study found that almost a third of men experiencing fertility problems have low levels of vitamin D as it affects sperm.

More studies have also revealed that high levels of vitamin D were closely linked to keeping mentally sharp in old age. Maybe it could be the answer to cutting the risks of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. However there is no proof that it repairs the damage done by dementia, so by taking supplements later in life it could certainly help, as the old saying goes...prevention is better than cure.

It is thought the vitamin may work by triggering the brain to produce new cells and protecting existing ones from damage.

Another study of 13,000 people found a 26 per cent extra risk of death after nine years among those with the lowest vitamin D levels compared with the highest.

There seems to be plenty of evidence from numerous studies carried out in many countries worldwide that suggest the risks and dangers we face if we simply do not get enough of the sunshine vitamin, proving that if we make an effort to increase our levels (if we have not already done so) we will reap the many health benefits associated with this amazing and essential vitamin.

Vitamin D Health Benefits..Lack of Sun Could Make You Fat?

Yet another study has showed that overweight people had less vitamin D in their blood than their slimmer counterparts. One reason for this could be that the level in the blood influences the functioning of a hormone called leptin that tells the brain when the stomach is full.

I live in London UK, and believe me, the sun is a very rare sight indeed, but spare a thought for the people at latitudes of 52 degrees north, that's above Birmingham, there is no ultraviolet light of the appropriate wavelength in winter for the body to make vitamin D in the skin. So supplements are recommended.

I take a great supplement mostly in the winter and spring months from Nature's Plus called Liquid Sunshine. It is vitamin D3 and has a whopping 5000 IU per serving. Do I feel better for bet! I get more than my fair share of the sun in the summer months being a keen tennis player, so the supplement 'tops' me up.

Related pages on Vitamin D health benefits at this website.

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