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Porange...Combine An Orange And Pear..Hey Presto A New Superfruit!

Porange. Yes, enter a new super-fruit on the block!

It's a cross between an orange and a pear..of course!Where can you find them? Well, currently in the middle of a shopping centre in Braehead, Glasgow.

It is an experimental indoor orchard and was chosen in particular there because of a beneficial constant climate and a glass roof, which lets in sunlight to ripen the fruits.

This is all part of a two year project by some clever horticultural scientists from Spain and Scotland.

Ok, here is the healthy bit....

The po-range has ten times the amount of vitamin C and other nutrients as a traditional orange, but with the texture and consistency of a pear. Perfect for fighting those nasty free radicals. Producers hope it will catch on as it will not be messy to eat and there is no peel to throw away.

It is claimed that this new superfruit could revolutionise the way we get valuable vitamins and nutrients.

The po-range was supposed to be a well kept secret, however some of the cheeky shoppers have spotted the fruit growing on the trees in the middle of the mall and they began picking them off the branches.

One such shopper, who tipped of the local newspaper about the experiment, said "Too right I picked one off the tree- the fruit tastes absolutely brilliant."

It is expected to appear in local UK supermarkets soon. So remember, you heard it first here. Will it become a household name in the future?

Related reading at this website

Cancer Fighting Fruit

Anti Aging Foods

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