Pau DArco Tea, Another Amazing Herb Rich In Antioxidants..And Much More.
Pau DArco Tea...ever heard of this one? Probably not. What is Pau D’Arco tea? Well, it is made from the bark of a rainforest tree. It is also sometimes called Taheebo. So how good is for you?
If your
immune system is in need of a bit of support or a boost,
then you might want to try this important 'Immune Herb'. It is a rich and potent source of antioxidants....known to protect the body by mopping up
free radicals
which cause harm to body cells. Antioxidants are also considered to slow the aging process by slowing down
oxidation damage
to DNA. Pau darco tea, considered by many to be one of nature's most powerful antibiotics, by helping with Viral infections, such as the common cold or Flu.
Modern research of this plant confirms it has many traditional uses. For instance it is a mild anti-fungal so very good for fungal infections, such as candida albicans. It also helps skin ulcerations and boils. Gastro-intestinal upsets, dysentery? Then try Pau d'Arco tea. It is widely though that Pau d'Arco can give pain relief, especially to
conditions and circulatory disorders such as Pau D'Arco can be purchased in tea bags, or, to save a bit of money, you can buy the loose bark in the bulk herb section of a natural food store. A mahogany-colored thin bark...It is usually sold in shreds or small strips.
Pau D'Arco can be purchased in tea bags, or, to save a bit of money, you can buy the loose bark in the bulk herb section of a natural food store. A mahogany-colored thin bark...It is usually sold in shreds or small strips.
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