The Health Benefit Of Watermelon...The Thirst Quenching Superfruit
What is the health benefit of watermelon?
Well for starters Watermelon is a real thirst quencher being around 92% water. But don't be fooled into thinking that nutrition is compromised, quite on the contrary. Because of it's high water content it is also very low in calories.
Not only is it a great thirst quencher, it is also a quencher of many
inflammatory diseases
such as....
Watermelon, a member of the cucurbitaceae, it is closely related to
pumpkins and cantaloupe, and is mostly associated with the Mediterranian countries such as Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey...but, surprisingly, it actually was cultivated by the Egyptians.
But what about the antioxidants?...Ok, it's jam-packed with important antioxidants.
It is an excellent source of
vitamin C.
As we know that the
is a rich source of
....well, so is good old watermelon. Lycopene offers protection against...- Colorectal cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Lung Cancer
- Endometrial Cancer also fights against heart disease and helps protect cells from oxygen damage
These antioxidants in watermelon neutralize
free radicals
Water-melon is also a good source of...- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin B6
- Potassium
- Magnesium
Have I finished? Just one more....
Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the primary cause of loss of vision in older people, can be protected by eating watermelon.
Truly an amazingly refreshing superfruit.
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