Health Benefit Of Ginger...The Versatile Medicinal Spice!
The real health benefit of ginger. Well, this is quite an amazing spice. You are probably more famaliar with ginger being used as a spice in Asian cooking. It is also widely used in baked goods, beverages, sweets, liqueurs and perfumes...but it is also a very potent medicinal plant. For centuries it has been used in India and China. Let's tackle the antioxidant
bit first, after all, it is the main theme of this website. And what a powerful antioxidant it is too. It fights
free radicals
and also targets
Ginger is also used to prevent meat from becoming rancid and it has been shown to prolong the shelf life of fresh, frozen and precooked meats.
In fact there have been some exciting results in relation to the medicinal properties of ginger. Here are some more findings on the health benefit of ginger. Ok, here goes.... A recent study in Denmark discovered that taking ginger internally is significant in relieving pain asociated with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and muscular disorder patients.
As mentioned earlier that ginger is effective in treating inflammation, well, a common side effect of treating inflammation with modern day drugs is that they can possibly create stomach ulcers, or, if the ulcers are already there, make them worse. Good old ginger to the rescue.....not only can it relieve the symptoms of inflammation, it also protects the creation of digestive ulcers. Oh, and no side effects.
Pregnant? Got that horrible morning sickness? Nothing you can do, is there? Hmmm, ginger maybe? Yes, it is effective for relieving the severe nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. And, the important bit, using ginger to quell morning sickness does not appear to raise the risk of birth defects. Post Surgery Sickness? You know that awful feeling after surgery? Take a dose of at least 1 gram of ginger. It is effective in preventing the nausea and vomiting that often afflicts patients after undergoing surgery. Ginger As A Blood Thinner ginger is a potent and superior blood thinner. Basically it inhibits platelet aggregation. Again, no side effects. There are many many more medicinal uses for ginger, I have just 'skimmed the surface' here, it seems that modern medicine has not taken advantage of this plant's full potential. Watch this space. Any ground-breaking discoveries relating to ginger or anything else that is mentioned on this website will be
immediately reported in our regular newsletter.
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