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Health Benefit Of Cherries...This Amazing Little Fruit Is A Powerful Antioxidant

The health benefit of favorite fruit. Juicy, sweet and very firm.

health benefit of cherries, anti ageing, cherries Delicious and nutritious. Boy what a healthy fruit cherries are. The problem is that are not around for very long. It’s a seasonal favorite that seems to be abundant in the produce section one day and gone the next!

A very versatile fruit...cherries are great for eating fresh, and just fab in all sorts of recipes from crepes to pies to jams to chutneys.

But just how good are they?

Well...not only are cherries delicious, they pack a very powerful nutritional punch. This little miracle fruit can help prevent and fight cancer.

They contain queritrin (which is a potent anticancer agent). They also contain ellagic acid, which experts believe is one of the most useful compounds for cancer prevention.

Cherries are a rich source of healthy antioxidants (the theme of this site), helping to repair damaged cells in the body.

Another compound found in cherries is perillyl alcohol (POH), which is very effective in reducing the occurrence of all types of cancer. Stopping the spread of cancerous cells by depriving them of the crucial proteins they require in order to grow.

Cherries Fight Inflammation...The Secret Killer!

Did you know that inflammation is a secret killer? Inflammation is the body's first defense against infection...but when it goes awry, it can lead to..
  • Heart Attacks
  • Colon Cancer
  • Alzheimer's

....and a host of other diseases.

Thanks to cherries...they act as an anti-inflammatory. They also help with pain relief...containing anthocyanin and bioflavonoids.

What are they?

Well they are compounds that produce a similar effect to that of aspirin or ibuprofen. These compounds can relieve or prevent head and body aches, and even ease the symptoms of arthritis and gout.

Cherries Help You Sleep More Easily!

Have trouble sleeping?

Melatonin is a natural sleep aid. It is an antioxidant and will help to regulate your sleeping and waking patterns. It's found in the human body...but only in small quantities. Guess what...our little friends cherries have an abundance of melatonin in them. Also their melatonin content helps maintain brain function too.

Cherries also help your circadian Rhythms. What are they? Well it is basically your sleep patterns and timing within a 24hour day.

But wait, I haven't finished yet on the health benefit of cherries.

There is a bit more...

This is the good bit...Cherries help fight against premature aging. The compounds isoqueritrin and queritrin work to eliminate the byproducts of oxidative stress, and thereby slowing the aging process. Pass that bowl of cherries please!

Big Tummy?

Cherries may combat excess tummy weight. A US study revealed that they can help reduce body fat especially around the waist.

Want a healthy snack? These little marvels are...

  • Low in calories
  • A great source of fibre
  • High in potassium
  • Contains vitamin C
  • Zero cholesterol
  • Zero sodium
  • Zero fat

It's worth noting that these fruits are not available all year round (shame), but you can try the health benefit of cherries in juice concentrate, as a great alternative when the fruit is not in season.

Cherries are an amazing little fruit, they are tasty, juicy, highly nutritious, health-promoting and a great snack that's easy to carry around.

So, I suppose you could say that 'life is just a bowl of cherries'...literally.

Related Reading at This Website

Cherry Juice Benefits

Cancer Fighting Fruit

Juicing Benefits

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