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Check out The Amazing Health Benefit of Mangosteen..The Queen of Fruits

benefit of mangosteen

The health benefit of mangosteen...

Firstly it is not to be confused with the fruit is an entirely different plant. Mangosteen is an exotic fruit bursting with amazing health benefits.

What does it do? is renowned for its ability to reduce pain and fever as well as increase energy levels.

Oh..and it contains a very high concentration of xanthones. What are xanthones you ask? They are just about one of the most powerful super antioxidants ever discovered...that's right read it again.

What does that mean? Ok..Xanthones are protecting your body by fighting those nasty free radicals and supporting the immune system, structural system, digestive system, brain and skin in many ways with anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties.

The super antioxidants called xanthones are found in Mangosteen's outer rind (called the pericarp).

Just look at the health benefit of mangosteen...
  • Anticancer effects (including apoptosis) in a variety of tumor types
  • Prevention of high cholesterol, a key factor in preventing atherosclerosis
  • Antibacterial effects against antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including tuberculosis
  • Antifungal activities against human fungal pathogens
  • Inhibitors of HIV-1, an important target for the treatment of AIDS
  • Inhibition of the COX-1 and cOX-2 enzymes that meditate allergies and inflammation through prostaglandin E-2 synthesis

Amazing fact time...So far no other fruit or single food source has been found to include such a high concentration of xanthones.

There are over 20 different types of beneficial xanthones in the mangosteen...and...the mangosteen fruit is the best edible source for Xanthones in the natural world.

Lastly..Xanthones are not found in the fruits and vegetables we regularly have access to and eat.

Mangosteen fruit is purple in colour and is about the size of a small appple.It has a hard rind. Inside the fruit there are about five to seven seeds surrounded by a sweet, juicy cover. The pulp, which is said to resemble a pineapple or peach in taste, is said to be a very delicious food.

The mangosteen is an important food throughout Southeast Asia. Known as The Queen of Fruits, the healing powers of the fruit have been known for many years particularly in Thailand.

So, in summary, this is the amazing health benefit you can expect from mangosteen....

  • Often described as the world’s most delicious fruit
  • Known in many parts of the world for the medicinal properties
  • Used to treat heart disease, diabetes and arthritis
  • Reduce the risk of cancer
  • Traditionally used to treat fevers, skin problems, inflammation, wounds, allergies and more
  • Fights viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasitic illnesses
  • Pain reliever
  • Fights common GI conditions such as ulcers, irritable bowel diseases, reflux, gastritis, diverticulitis and diarrhea

The benefit of mangosteen...a true super super fruit indeed.

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