Antioxidant Supplement....Do They Really Work?
If you take an antioxidant supplement along with a healthy diet, research has proven that it can help protect and prevent your body from certain diseases.
It will also reduce the amount of
free radicals
produced within you too.
Other benefits are that it can also significantly lower your risk of developing degenerative diseases such as.....
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Heart Disease
- Alzheimer's
- Cataracts
- Arthritis
So, the million dollar question is...which supplement should you take?
It is always a tough one to answer specifically. Why? It can get very confusing as there is a minefield of choice and information out there it's hard to know which product, or antioxidant formula is the best, or which is the most suitable for you specifically, as everyone is different.
If you don't know already (and you should!) that antioxidants are believed to fight fight free radical activity in our bodies by slowing down aging, preventing cell degeneration and much much, more. There is more than enough information on this website to explain how they actually do it, so feel free to browse around, you will be surprised and a little amazed at what you can learn.
First a piece of advice. Be careful about taking antioxidant-supplements on their own. Research has shown that an isolated antioxidant can actually do more harm than good. Yes really! Quite possibly it can get overwhelmed or damaged and put stress on the body. Much better to take with a combination of other antioxidants as they recycle one another..which results in eliminating stress.
Read more about balancing your antioxidant intake here..
The key to choosing a good antioxidant supplement is taking one that has a number of the following ingredients...
beta carotene,
lutein (for eye health), aloe vera etc or taking a combo of supplements. Always ensure that the supplement has a good content of dietary vitamins and minerals too. The combo is recommended as the ingredients work together (synergistically) to support and enhance each other's effectiveness.
What is an effective way to raise your body’s antioxidant levels, reduce the risk of disease, reverse premature ageing and improve your general level of health and well being? Pretty simple really....Eat at least five portions of anti-oxidant rich foods daily such as.......
Wherever possible try and avoid all the things that create free radicals in our bodies such as smoking, polluted environments, and even over exercising can be harmful too. Now, we might be stating the obvious here, but you really need to steer well clear of nasty harmful processed and fried foods that are absolutely no good for you whatsoever. Yes, agreed some of them taste good, but after the initial pleasure, that's about it. In the long run these foods, if eaten on a regular basis, will do much more harm than good to you! Take antioxidant-supplements that are high in carotenoids and also the following....
It is worth looking into liquid trans resveratrol supplements, the reason is that recent studies have shown that there could be a number of health benefits by taking it.Never substitute your foods for just suplements on their own. It is not advisable to do this and it will be of no benefit to your health at all. Use antioxidant supplements as a complement to your regular diet.
Bio Tivia offer an extensive range of great antioxidant products..check them out
Another one worth considering is called
Red Yeast Rice.
Used for many years by the Chinese, this is a preservative, spice and food coloring. Actually it's the stuff that's used to give Peking duck its characteristic red color. Apparently is is being used as a type of substitute for statins with the ability to lower cholesterol.
So, it's worth considering a good quality antioxidant supplement along with a healthy diet also rich in antioxidants.Together, they will provide great protection against aging many other diseses too.
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is about health and wellness. It offers possible solutions to health related issues, such as weight management, energy and fitness, digestive health, outer-nutrition and more by supplementing and adding good nutrition to your diet.
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