Antioxidant Remedies..The All-Powerful Way To Fight Diseases Naturally
Antioxidant Remedies
Have you ever had a bad experience with a prescription medicine?
Have you ever had a bad experience with a prescription medicine? If you regularly take medications for high blood pressure, allergies, diabetes, or another chronic condition, you may have experienced side effects as yout doctor adjusted the dosage or tried different pharmeceutical formulas to find the right one for you...sound familiar?
At antioxidants-guide we aim to offer as many alternatives to such experiences. Alternatives that cost less, can work just as well (or better!), and promote overall health with fewer side effects (please read disclaimer at the foot of the page!).
Plants have long been used to treat all types of diseases and they form the basis of many medicines we see in the modern world today.
Please bookmark this page as we will be adding more and more remedies on a regular basis, alternatively follow
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Cherry Medicine For Coughs
So here goes, we will 'kick off' with our first remedy to help with a very common ailement...the cough.
Chocolate Cough Cure
It seems hard to believe, but a certain compound in the cocoa bean could hold the key to eradicate persistent coughing.
Immune System Remedies
Sound advise on how to have super immunity without nutrition.
Green Tea For a Healthy Bladder
For a healthy bladder studies have shown that drinking three cups of green tea a day on a regular basis actually halved the risk of prostate cancer. Green tea contains the all-powerful antioxidant known as polyphenol, and it is believed that it can be effective in lowering cholsterol and reducing the risk of.. - Inflammatory bowel disease
- liver disease
- Diabetes
- A number of Cancers
Good health using the Body Response method
is just need the right mix of info, knowledge and's all here!
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