Amla Fruit One Of The Richest Sources Of Vitamin C Helping To Combat Cancer And Many Other Diseases
Amla fruit is an amazing little fruit. It is probably one of the richest known sources of
vitamin C.
It contains 30 times the amount found in oranges but it is believed to have special
anti aging
immune enhancing
properties too.
The amla fruit contains more than 80% of water. It also has...- Protein
- Carbohydrate
- Fibre
- Minerals
Otherwise known as the Indian Gooseberry it is also useful for treating throat and respiratory tract infections.
Indian and Tibetan healers regard amla as sacred, using the dries fruit to combat problems such as....- Indigestion
- Fever
- Liver Problems
- Anaemia
...but modern research is revealing that it is also beneficial in preventing and treating many conditions including...- Arthritis
- Cataracts
- Cancer
- Hay Fever
- Stress
Enter the
antioxidants bit.....
Chinese researchers have discovered that amla fruit is a rich source of therapeutic chemicals. They include....- Gallic acid (which is a potent polyphenol) and ellagic acid...found in
green tea
- Quercetin...also found in
...all these are
powerful antioxidants,
and as you all know, they 'mop up' those nasty
free radicals
helping to reduce the risk of a wide range of serious diseases including
Excess free radicals are one of the greatest threats to our health, attacking each cell in the human body thousands of times per day, weakening it and making it susceptible to sickness and disease. Excess
free radicals
are also responsible for the effects of premature ageing, both in the
and the
There have been several animal studies showing that amla can effectively help shield DNA from heavy metal poisoning...caused by frequent exposure to metals like aluminium, lead and nickel...due to the combined action of the various ingredients found in the fruit.
Stressed Out? Relax...Amla Fruit Is Here!
Apparently extracts of amla have been found to have a soothing and calming effect, helping to combat stress. Current research shows that amla acts as a sedative...relaxing muscles and improving sleep.
Amla...Fighting Inflammation (The Secret Killer)
As well as having powerful and potent antioxidant properties, amla also reduces inflammation. To learn more about how inflammation is a potential secret killer, click below to download a recent article in 'Time' magazine called
Inflammation The Fire Within..prepared to be shocked!
There are many benefits with it's anti-inflammatory properties including arthritis and hay fever.
How is your blood cholesterol? Troubling you? Then take alma. The vitamin C in amla helps in dilating the blood vessels and thereby lowering the blood pressure.
Constipated? Amla to the rescue...it is rich in fibre and regulates the bowel action keeping constipation at bay.
Amla also works wonders with pregnant and lactating mothers.
It also provides protection against pollution.
Amla...truly a gift of nature, to us....mankind.
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