Alpha lipoic acid is a relative new 'kid on the block' as far as a health product or supplements are concerned.
Scientist first discovered the importance of alpha lipoic acid (ALA) in the 1950s and recognised it as an antioxidant in 1988.
So what is it?
Well, it is also known by another name... thioctic acid, however it is a naturally occurring compound that is synthesized by plants and animals, and also humans too.
Basically your body needs ALA to produce energy and it plays a vital role in the natural energy-producing structures in cells.
Your body makes enough ALA for these basic metabolic functions. This compound acts as an anti-oxidant but only where there is an excess of it and it's in the formation of 'free state' in the cells.
There is hardly any free alpha lipoic-acid circulating in your body. And there is little chance of obtaining it in our dietary food also as they do not contain very much ALA.
Alpha-Lipoic-Acid is found in small amounts in the following foods...
Brewer's Yeast
Brussel Sprouts
Rice Bran
Organ Meats
The only other way to get more is, of course,
a supplement intake
or injected directly.
Why is Alpha Lipoic Antioxidant so special?
Well as an anti oxidant it is extremely versatile.It helps to de-activate an unusually wide array of cell damaging
free radicals
in many bodily systems.
Another very unique feature about alpha-lipoic-acid is that it is able to function in water and fat, in other words it is fat and water-soluble, which the same cannot be said for the more common antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. It is also believed to even re-cycle antioxidants such as vitamin C and
....after they have been used up.
Alpha lipoic acid helps to protect your delicate genetic material...otherwise known as DNA.
It also works closely with the following vitamins...
...and various other
making them much more effective.
Although research and studies have been building up it is still in its early stages and no-one knows what doses should be used for what type of ailment.
Some studies are suggesting a dosage of 100 to 600 milligrams (mg)a day.
ALA is believed to be a preventative treatment for many age related diseases such as....
Heart Disease
Parkinsons Disease
Liver Disease
Skin Disease
People with diabetes should note that in Germany it is already prescribed as a type of medication or medicine to treat long-term complications of diabetes such as nerve damage (caused possibly by free radical damage), and there is evidence that it can help decrease insulin resistance, helping control blood sugar levels. It is also believed to help with weight control too.
Bottom line... Research is still in its infancy although it looks promising. However if ALA is as powerful as it seems, beware that there may be a danger of too much of a good thing. It appears to be safe to take for children too, however long term effects of large doses are unknown.
It can come in various forms with Lipo-Gel Supplements being a popular choice.
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